
Organizations considering a conversion to the 国际 金融 Reporting Standards (国际财务报告准则) from U.S. 一般公认会计政策(美国.S. 公认会计准则) should note that there are significant differences surrounding the treatment of foreign currency. This article is the part of a series covering considerations for organizations contemplating a conversion from U.S. 公认会计准则到国际财务报告准则.

U.S. 公认会计准则在法典ASC 830节中涵盖外币, 而国际财务报告准则使用的是国际会计准则(IAS) 21, 外汇汇率变动的影响. Both standards require foreign currency transactions to be remeasured at the entity’s functional currency, 用平均汇率将汇率的变化记录在收入中. 类似的, both standards require assets and liabilities to be translated at the reporting date currency rates, 折算金额计入其他综合收益.   Some of the most common issues entities encounter when transitioning to 国际财务报告准则 are discussed below.

While the criteria in determining an entity’s functional currency is different under the two standards, 两者通常会产生相同的货币决定. Under IAS 21, the concept of reporting currency has been replaced with two separate notions. Functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates, and presentation currency is the currency in which the financial statements are presented. 功能货币可以转换成任何表示货币.

合并美国属下的外国实体.S. 公认会计准则采用循序渐进的方法, where each subsidiary must directly translate its currency into its immediate parent’s currency during the consolidation process. 根据国际财务报告准则, the step-by-step method is permitted; however, 该实体也可以选择使用直接方法, where each entity within the consolidated group directly translates into the functional currency of the reporting entity. 这种方法基本上跳过了转换到中间父方的货币汇率. 

国际财务报告准则 provides more flexibility for currency derivatives to qualify for hedge accounting. 根据国际财务报告准则, there is no requirement for an indicated notional value for the hedge to be effective. 国际财务报告准则 also provides additional hedging opportunities for entities within a consolidated group to hedge on behalf of a subsidiary with foreign currency exposure. A parent organization is permitted to bypass an intermediate subsidiary and directly hedge against currency risk at a lower-level subsidiary.

这两个标准都要求对恶性通货膨胀经济体进行评估. While the standards have different criteria for determining hyperinflationary economies, 同样的经济体通常被认定为恶性通货膨胀. Both standards require restatement as it is deemed that the reporting of the operational results and financial position in the local currency without restatement is not useful as the currency has lost significant purchasing power.

在你.S. 公认会计准则, an economy is automatically deemed hyperinflationary if the economy reaches a three-year cumulative inflation of 100% or more. 根据国际财务报告准则, an assessment must made based on judgment factoring in characteristics of the country. 这些因素包括普通民众是否持有另一种货币的财富, 交易以另一种货币进行, rates are generally linked to another currency or it is highly probable that three-year cumulative inflation rate will exceed 100%.  The 国际 Monetary Fund publishes reliable inflation rate information for every country each month that can be utilized in this assessment.

在你.S. 公认会计准则, an entity in a hyperinflationary currency would remeasure its statements as if the functional currency were the parent’s reporting currency, 认识到收入的差异. 货币项目按期末汇率重新计量. Nonmonetary items are remeasured into the reporting currency at the historical exchange rate. 所有重计量利得和损失均确认为损益. 当经济停止恶性通货膨胀时, 报告金额将折算回当地货币, 这些余额成为非货币性资产和负债的新基础.

国际财务报告准则 follows a restate-and--then-translate approach for entities in hyperinflationary economies. 国际财务报告准则要求以当地功能货币为财务报表, 包括比较信息, 保持不变,但重新表述以反映资产负债表日通货膨胀的影响, 认识到收入的差异. 对于许多资产负债表项目,重述应在一个一般的价格指数. 按成本计提的非货币性项目, 这些指标在获得后应予以重述,以反映通货膨胀的影响. 所有损益表项目也应以一般价格指数为基础. 一旦采用一般价格指数对财务报表进行调整, the financial statements are then translated into the reporting currency at the current conversion rate. 当一个经济体停止恶性通货膨胀时, the amounts reported at the end of the previous reporting period become the basis for future statements.

Schneider Downs provides assurance and advisory services for international entities and organizations following 国际财务报告准则. For more information concerning international business matters and their impact to your organization, 请参观施耐德唐斯 我们对 写博客或发邮件给我们 (电子邮件保护).


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